
The catalogue entry for this text has not been published as yet. Until then, a selection of data is made available below.

Manuscript witnesses

p. 71r(121)a.14ff  
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 502/2 (ff. 19-89) 
context: Tract on the Laigin   incipit: It he inso cethri meic Con Corb   incl. Derb dal Cuirb coairt, Trí meic Con Corb caín bunad, Nia Corbb Corbmacc Cairpre   There is no heading or explicit visual break from the preceding prose. After the statement that Find File is ancestor to Cú Chorb (hUa do in Chu Chorb), the focus of the prose shifts to Cú Corb and the lineages descending from his four sons (Nia Corb, Mess Corb, Cormac and Cairpre). Includes a number of verse items: (a) line beg. Nia Corb Corbmac introduced with the words Is dona cethrib bráithrib-sin ro chachain in file; (b) beg. Derb dal Cuirb coairt, attr. to Luccraid moccu Riadda (unde Luccraid moccu Riadda dixit); and (c) Tri meic Con Corb caín bunad (Et alibi dictum est).
in section: f. 65v(118)b.m–f. 66r(119)a.m


Primary sources Text editions and/or modern translations – in whole or in part – along with publications containing additions and corrections, if known. Diplomatic editions, facsimiles and digital image reproductions of the manuscripts are not always listed here but may be found in entries for the relevant manuscripts. For historical purposes, early editions, transcriptions and translations are not excluded, even if their reliability does not meet modern standards.

[ed.] [tr.] Campanile, Enrico, Die älteste Hofdichtung von Leinster: alliterierende reimlose Strophen, Sitzungsberichte der philosophisch-historischen Klasse, 503, Vienna, 1988.
35 [id. 20. ‘Eulogie für die Söhne von Cú Chorbb’]
[ed.] [tr.] Meyer, Kuno [ed. and tr.], Über die älteste irische Dichtung II. Rhythmische alliterierende reimlose Strophen, Berlin, 1914.
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27–28 [‘Nachtrag zu I’]